
Bill’s Buzz

Oh, The Things You Can Make With Whiskey!

Posted on: March 27th, 2019

As we celebrate Whiskey Day, Bill’s Package Store wants to give you some great ideas for those wonderful concoctions made with Whiskey. Here are some great whiskey recipes:   Whiskey Paralyzer 1 cup ice cubes 1 fluid ounce of Canadian whiskey, such as Crown Royal 1 fluid ounce of Kahlua or other coffee flavored liqueur…[READ MORE]

Whiskey… the myths, the legends!

Posted on: February 28th, 2019

According to Mark Twain: “Too much of anything is bad, but too much good whiskey is barely enough.” Bill’s Package Store would like to dispel some of the myths about whiskey.   Whiskey: What is it? Whiskey by definition is pretty confusing. There’s: Bourbon Rye Scotch Canadian Single-malt Blended…and the list goes on. Let’s start…[READ MORE]

Irish Coffee… It really is Irish!

Posted on: January 18th, 2019

Bill’s Package Store wants you to know where Irish Coffee came from and how to make it. The Story: The original Irish coffee was created at the flying boat terminal in Foynes, Ireland. The short version of the story goes like this: On October 1943, a “flying boat” had departed from the terminal in Foynes…[READ MORE]

Champagne! What it really is.

Posted on: December 13th, 2018

Bills Package Store wants you to sound smart this New Year’s Eve.     What is Champagne? Champagne is a sparkling wine that comes from the Champagne region of northeastern France. If it’s from somewhere else, it’s not champagne… it’s sparkling wine. Most people use the term champagne generically but the French maintain their legal…[READ MORE]